Beldames: Unraveling the Crossword Clue

When it comes to crossword puzzles, there are words that seem to come out of nowhere, challenging even the most seasoned solvers. One such term is beldames nyt crossword While it may not be a word you use in everyday conversation, it often appears in literary works and crossword puzzles, making it worth a closer look. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning, origins, and cultural significance of the word “beldames,” especially in the context of the New York Times (NYT) crossword puzzle. By the end, you’ll have a deeper understanding of this fascinating word and why it’s a favorite among puzzle creators.


The term “beldames” has its roots in Old French, where “belle dame” translates to “beautiful lady.” However, as the word made its way into English, its meaning shifted, taking on a more ironic or negative connotation. By the time it was fully absorbed into English usage, “beldame” referred to an old woman, often depicted as unpleasant or witch-like.

This transformation is intriguing because it reflects societal attitudes toward aging women. While “belle dame” celebrated beauty, “beldame” came to symbolize the opposite—age, decline, and sometimes malevolence. This shift in meaning is a reminder of how language evolves and how words can carry cultural baggage.


“Beldames” might not be a word you encounter often, but it’s one that has a rich history in literature. Writers have used it to evoke certain images or emotions, particularly in gothic or fantastical works. The term conjures up visions of old crones, witches, and hags—figures who are often portrayed as both wise and malevolent.

One of the most famous literary uses of the word comes from Shakespeare, who often drew on such archetypes in his plays. In Macbeth, the witches are referred to as “beldams,” linking the word with supernatural powers and dark intentions. This usage cemented the word’s association with elderly women who possess both knowledge and danger.

Understanding these literary references can greatly enhance your experience when encountering the word in a crossword puzzle. Knowing that “beldames” might refer to witches, hags, or old women gives you an edge in solving clues that rely on this word’s nuanced meanings.


In the world of crossword puzzles, “beldames” is a word that pops up more frequently than you might expect. Crossword constructors love using words that have multiple layers of meaning, and “beldames” fits the bill perfectly. It’s a word that can stump even experienced solvers, especially if they’re not familiar with its literary or historical connotations.

When you see “beldames” as a clue or an answer in a crossword puzzle, it’s helpful to remember its dual meanings. It can refer to old women in a general sense, but it might also be hinting at something more specific, like witches or crones. Being aware of this can make a tricky puzzle much easier to solve.

One of the reasons “beldames” is popular in crossword puzzles is its structure. The word has a nice balance of vowels and consonants, making it versatile for puzzle grids. It also has a certain old-fashioned charm that appeals to crossword enthusiasts who enjoy a challenge. If you’re a regular solver, it’s worth committing this word to memory—you’ll likely encounter it again.


While “beldames” may seem like an archaic term, it’s still used in modern writing, albeit sparingly. It’s a word that carries a lot of weight, so when it’s used, it’s usually for a specific effect. Writers might choose “beldames” to evoke a sense of the past or to create a certain atmosphere, particularly in stories that deal with themes of age, wisdom, or the supernatural.

In contemporary usage, “beldames” might be used more ironically, playing on its historical connotations while adding a modern twist. For example, in a fantasy novel, the “beldames” might be a group of powerful women who defy the negative stereotypes associated with the word. Or, in a satirical piece, “beldames” might be used to poke fun at societal attitudes toward aging.

Understanding these subtleties can enrich your reading experience and make you more attuned to the ways in which language evolves. It’s also a reminder that words, even those that seem outdated, can still have relevance today.


The way we perceive the word “beldames” today is shaped by its historical and literary usage. While it originally meant “beautiful lady,” its evolution into a term for old women reflects societal attitudes toward aging. In many cultures, older women were often feared or revered for their wisdom, but also marginalized or demonized. This duality is captured in the word “beldames.”

In modern times, there’s been a push to reclaim terms that were once used derogatorily. Some might argue that “beldames” could be embraced as a term of empowerment, recognizing the strength and wisdom that comes with age. However, it’s also important to acknowledge the word’s baggage and use it thoughtfully.

For crossword enthusiasts, understanding the perception of “beldames” can add another layer of meaning to the puzzles they solve. It’s not just about filling in the blanks; it’s about appreciating the richness of the language and the history behind the words.


“Beldames” is a word that carries a lot of history, making it a perfect fit for literary works and crossword puzzles alike. Whether you encounter it in Shakespeare, a gothic novel, or the New York Times crossword, understanding its origins and meanings can enhance your experience. It’s a reminder of how language evolves and how words can hold different connotations depending on the context.

The next time you come across “beldames” in a crossword puzzle, you’ll be prepared. You’ll know that it might refer to old women, witches, or something more metaphorical. And with that knowledge, you’ll be one step closer to solving the puzzle and enjoying the challenge that comes with it.

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